Cheek Filler

Available in Cancun, Guadalajara and Mérida

Diseño de pómulos

With the passage of time our face can stop looking the way we want it to. To correct this we have created a powerful formula that will harmonize your face quickly thanks to the properties of hyaluronic acid.

Cheek filler is the latest in aesthetics and we guarantee that you will get the desired results.


☑️ What is cheek filler treatment?


Cheek filler is a facial harmonization procedure, as it defines the features giving a more aesthetic appearance to the face.

The lack of volume in cheekbones and cheeks can give a haggard appearance, so this process is crucial if you are looking for a more youthful appearance. It is the key to a harmonious and proportionate face.


☑️ How long does cheek filler last?


Hyaluronic acid is a filler substance 100% compatible with the body as it is generated naturally by the body. The results are immediate and have a duration in the organism of 8 to 12 months depending on the patient’s care.

After this time, it will be completely reabsorbed, which makes the procedure safe and has no long-term consequences.


☑️ Care after cheek filler


As a suggestion, direct sources of heat and toxins such as cigarettes, alcohol and drugs should be avoided for longer durability.

The amount of product to be applied will depend on the patient’s needs and natural facial proportions.


☑️ Cheek filler for dark circles?


There are several types of hyaluronic acids that will be selected according to the patient’s desired results.

Sometimes cheek augmentation improves the appearance of dark circles indirectly.

This happens because of the domino effect, since with the passage of time certain facial structures begin to lose volume causing the appearance of furrows or deep wrinkles, so by working this area we can partially correct the dark circles under the eyes.

Similarly, if you want to treat this problem specifically, we recommend our service of filling dark circles under the eyes with hyaluronic acid.

What are the benefits of cheek filler?


  • Improved facial proportions.
  • A more aesthetic and harmonious face.
  • More youthful appearance.
  • Attenuation of the nasolabial fold.
  • More accentuated cheekbones.
  • Improved dark circles.

Who are the candidates for cheek filler?


  • Not suffering from uncontrolled chronic degenerative diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, thyroid problems, autoimmune diseases, heart disease or coagulation disorders.
  • Not being pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Not be taking anticoagulant, antiplatelet or antiarrhythmic drugs.
  • Not having consumed steroids, anabolics, alcohol in excess, cigarettes or drugs at least 1 week prior to the procedure.
  • Not having important upcoming social events.
  • No prominent cheekbones.

From: $270 USD

Gloria (Antes)

Belleza Latina Guadalajara


Gloria (Antes)

Belleza Latina Guadalajara

- Not at all, it is a relatively simple application that only requires topical anesthesia.
- It is a prcoess that generates a very minimal inflammation almost imperceptible.
- It is a very safe process if the proper technique is applied.
- Hyaluronic acid has a duration of 8-12 months in the body, depending on the patient's care.
- Avoid direct heat sources in the area of application such as saunas, sun, tanning beds, radiofrequency, etc. - Maintain good hydration - Avoid toxins such as cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.
- Rejeunesse, a brand that has the necessary certifications for its application.
- It is recommended to wait at least 8 months between each application. In case you are looking for more projection than that obtained with 1 session, it can be done after 20 days from the first application.
- No makeup on the area for 2 days - Don’t expose yourself to direct heat sources - Don’t ingest toxic substances for 2 days - Keep well hydrated - Sleep on your back for 2 days - In case of discomfort take anti-inflammatory drugs for 3 days.
- Absolutely, there is hyaluronidase to make corrections in the application or to treat any adverse effect such as obstruction of blood circulation.
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