Chin Design

Available in Cancun, Guadalajara and Mérida

Diseño de mentón

Although it may be seen as a 100% aesthetic problem, the truth is that having a correct bite has a lot to do with health.

Defects such as prognathism can cause dental problems and, fortunately, in Belleza Latina we have the solution for you.

Best of all, it’s surgery-free!

We present our chin design service with hyaluronic acid that will give a more harmonious appearance to your face and will help you with the health of your teeth.


☑️ What is chin filler?


The chin design is a procedure performed to outline and harmonize the face. It is a key point to achieve a more stylized appearance, as it creates an effect of slimming and definition of the features.

It can also help us to correct birth defects such as prognathism, which is an extension of the jaw that prevents the teeth from being aligned.


☑️ What filler is used for chin design?


Hyaluronic acid is used to fill the chin, which is a type of natural filler, since it is generated in the body.

The amount of product to be applied will depend on the patient’s needs and natural facial proportions. It is usually accompanied by our mandibular profiling service  to achieve a more aesthetic result.


☑️ How long does the chin design last?


The results are immediate and last in the body for 8 to 12 months depending on the patient’s care. Once this time has passed, the hyaluronic acid will be completely reabsorbed into the body, making the procedure safe and without long-term consequences.


☑️ What is the aftercare?


  • Avoid direct heat sources.
  • Don’t consume toxic substances such as cigarettes, alcohol or drugs. It is even advisable not to be near people who consume them.
  • The patient should eat soft foods after the application.
  • Don’t do any type of exercise for several weeks.

These are some of the indications that you must take into account after the chin filler with hyaluronic acid. Likewise, the doctor will always give you recommendations.

What are the benefits of chin design with hyaluronic acid?


  • Facial slimming.
  • Harmonization of the face.
  • Accentuation of the features.
  • Facial projection.

What are the conditions for the procedure?


  • Not suffering from uncontrolled chronic degenerative diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, thyroid problems, autoimmune diseases, heart disease or coagulation disorders.
  • Not being pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Not be taking anticoagulant, antiplatelet or antiarrhythmic drugs.
  • Not having consumed steroids, anabolics, alcohol in excess, cigarettes or drugs at least 1 week prior to the procedure.
  • Not having important upcoming social events.

From: $270 USD

Camila (Antes)

Belleza Latina Cancún


Camila (Después)

Belleza Latina Cancún

- It is a relatively simple application that only requires topical anesthesia.
- It is a process that generates a very minimal inflammation almost imperceptible.
- Es un proceso sumamente seguro aplicando la técnica adecuada.
- Hyaluronic acid has a duration of 8-12 months in the organism, it will depend on the patient's care.
- Avoid direct heat sources in the area of the application such as saunas, sun, tanning beds, radiofrequency, etc. - Maintain good hydration - Avoid toxic substances such as cigarettes, alcohol or drugs.
- Rejeunesse brand has the necessary certifications for its application.
- It is recommended to wait at least 8 months between each application. In case you are looking for more projection than that obtained with 1 session, it can be done after 20 days from the first application.
- No makeup in the area for 2 days. - Don’t expose to direct heat sources. - Don’t ingest toxic substances for 2 days. - Keep well hydrated. - Sleep on your back for 2 days - In case of discomfort take anti-inflammatory drugs for 3 days.
- Absolutely, there is hyaluronidase to make corrections in the application or to treat any adverse effect such as obstruction of blood circulation.
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