
Available in Cancun, Guadalajara and Mérida


Our Eternalskin package combines effective anti-aging techniques in order to promote facial rejuvenation that addresses the main causes of the signs of aging: wrinkles, sagging and blemishes.

This procedure is performed in 4 phases:

☑️ Phase 1. Smart peeling.


The Smart peeling is a powerful combination of enzymatic cocktails added with multivitamin complexes that generate a regenerative process in the skin, improving its texture and providing luminosity.

In addition, it will help you treat blemishes, acne scars, pore reduction, wrinkle attenuation and hydration.

They are applied with Dermapen technique that consists of generating micropunctures in the skin to help penetrate the active ingredients in a uniform and painless way. This will influence the stimulation of collagen and elastin, providing greater firmness.


☑️ Phase 2. Facial biostimulating threads


The biostimulating threads are a tool that is placed in strategic points of the face in order to create an internal network of collagen, which will later generate a natural tightening effect promoting skin redensification.

This type of threads are made of absorbable suture material (polydioxanone) that once applied will provoke an inflammatory response in the body for the production of fibroblasts that will then release collagen type 1 and type 3.




How long does it take to see the results of the tensor threads?


The action of these threads begins from the moment of application and will continue for a period of 3 months where we will be able to observe the final results.

After a year, the thread will be completely reabsorbed by the body, leaving behind the collagen formed.

It is important to mention that the application of this type of threads is performed by means of fine needles that will be introduced in the desired area without leaving any marks or scars.

☑️Phase 3. Botulinum toxin (Botox).


This is probably one of the most talked about procedures to remove wrinkles. However, very few know its process.

Botox, in a nutshell, is a muscle relaxant that is applied in order to eliminate wrinkles and expression lines such as those found in the area of the forehead, between the eyebrows and the commonly called “crow’s feet”.

Botulinum toxin acts by blocking the neuromuscular plate to prevent contraction and subsequently eliminate expression lines and wrinkles.

Learn more about botulinum toxin.


What happens if I inject Botox?


It is important to mention that Botox doesn’t inflame or tighten the skin as it is often mentioned. Its main effect is to return the natural expression to the muscle.

Likewise, the number of units to be applied will depend on the severity of the patient’s wrinkles.

Once the toxin is applied, its effect will begin after 2 days, reaching the maximum result after two weeks.

These effects will be maintained for a period of 5 to 6 months depending on the patient’s care.

Therefore, if you are interested in this process, you should know that it is a totally safe substance for its application with little or no side effects. In addition, it is non-allergenic and is a fundamental pillar that will make the face look fresher and more jovial.


☑️ Phase 4. Facial fillers with hyaluronic acid.


Many times we have heard about hyaluronic acid, but only a few know what it is used for.

So, if you want to know, read on.

Hyaluronic acid is a filler substance 100% compatible with the body, which is generated naturally and is applied in order to generate a facial harmonization and give the face a more aesthetic appearance.

The most common areas of application are usually lips, dark circles under the eyes, cheekbones, chin, nasolabial folds, nose and jaw arch. The results are immediate and last from 8 to 12 months depending on the patient’s care.


What is a facial filler?


They are substances that are used to rejuvenate the skin. In the case of this phase, we use hyaluronic acid as a type of filler that will give us better results.

This procedure is totally safe and has no long term consequences. Therefore, it is important to mention that after the application of the filler and after the time mentioned above, the substance ends up being reabsorbed.

The area of application will be suggested by the specialist, but it will be at the total discretion of the patient, who can perform additional applications at an extra cost.

Finally, we must emphasize that there are several densities (types) of hyaluronic acids that will be selected according to the enlargement area chosen by the patient and the desired results.

What are the benefits of facial rejuvenation with Eternalskin?


  • Elimination of expression lines (wrinkles).
  • Revitalization, redensification and regeneration of the skin.
  • Reduction of blemishes.
  • Reduction of flaccidity.
  • Stimulation of collagen and elastin in the face.
  • Facial harmonization.

What are the conditions to perform the procedure?


  • The process can be performed on any patient who wishes to reduce the signs of aging while preserving a natural appearance of the face.
  • Not suffering from uncontrolled chronic degenerative diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, thyroid problems, autoimmune diseases, heart disease or coagulation disorders.
  • Not being pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Not be taking anticoagulant, antiplatelet or antiarrhythmic drugs.
  • Not having consumed steroids, anabolics, alcohol in excess, cigarettes or drugs at least 1 week prior to the procedure.
  • Not having any important upcoming social events, since bruising and moderate inflammation are possible.

From: $458 USD

- Dysport, with required approvals for use by health regulatory bodies.
- Rejuenesse, with required approvals for use by health regulatory entities.
- Botox will start to take effect from the second day of the application and the final result will be seen after two weeks. The biostimulating threads will take 15 days to begin to take effect and the final result will be seen from 1 to 3 months later. Platelet rich plasma will take 5 days to begin to see the result and 15 days to see the final result. The effect of the acid is immediate, however the final result will be evident after 20 days when the inflammation disappears completely.
- It is not common but it can happen, in any case it will take 5 to 15 days to disappear completely.
- Before the procedure, the professional will evaluate the patient's case and suggest the one that best suits the patient's expected result.
- No, since all the products applied are 100% safe and compatible with the body. The most frequent side effect is usually swelling in the treated area for a few days.
- Avoid the consumption of tobacco, alcohol or drugs for at least 2 days after the procedure, although it is recommended not to do it routinely in order to extend the duration of the procedure to the stipulated time. - Avoid direct heat sources in the treated area such as intense sun, hot water baths, sauna, tanning beds, immersion baths, etc. - Sleep on your back for two days avoiding pressure on the treated areas. - No make-up for two days - Avoid performing any procedure near the treated area for two weeks. - Avoid exercise and/or strenuous activities for two days. - No bending for 4 hours.- Evitar fuentes de calor directas en la zona tratada como sol intenso, baño con agua muy caliente, sauna, cámaras de bronceo, baños de inmersión etc. - Dormir boca arriba por dos días evitando ejercer presión sobre las zonas tratadas. - No maquillaje por dos días - Evitar realizar cualquier procedimiento cerca de la zona tratada por dos semanas. - Evitar ejercicio y/o actividades extenuantes por dos días. - No agacharse por 4 horas
- Smooth polydioxanone threads are used, which generate a biostimulatory effect, natural lifting and improvement of the skin quality. They are 100% reabsorbable and are compatible with the skin.
- During the process there is usually brief discomfort, especially with the placement of the threads, this will depend on the area to be treated. We mitigate this discomfort by applying local anesthetics.
- It is not possible because we seek to optimize the time of our professionals, thus seeking to offer better prices. In case you want to take the procedures separately, the cost will be the unit cost for each procedure.
- The threads are applied by means of fine needles that are carefully introduced into the area to be treated. This needle carries the thread that will remain inside the face once it is removed.
- It is not recommended to perform the procedure if the events are close to two weeks. This is due to the care suggested, as well as the possible appearance of hematomas and/or inflammation.
- Approximately 2 hours.
- You must avoid the consumption of any toxic substance at least 3 days prior to the procedure.
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