
Available in Cancun, Guadalajara and Mérida

Today there are a lot of treatments to leave your skin clean and beautiful and the best of all is that in Belleza Latina we only use natural substances.

This is the case of our new treatment with exosomes. Which will cleanse your skin from the inside, giving it more brightness and vitality.


☑️ What is the treatment with exosomes?


Exosomes are regenerative complexes containing more than 50 substances that will help regenerate your skin intensively.

They contain amino acids, growth factors, vitamins, minerals, peptides, trace elements, hyaluronic acid, retinol, among other substances. All these will act together with your skin to regenerate and revitalize it.

They are applied with micro needling technique, a system that has micro needles that will generate a controlled puncture in the skin without discomfort.


☑️ How long does the treatment with exosomes last?


Results are evident 5 days after application and can be evident up to 30 days later.

The number of sessions required will depend on the problem to be treated and the objectives of each patient. In general, we recommend 1 session per month for 3 months and repeat up to one year later.

It can be combined with other treatments such as laser resurfacing to enhance the results.

What are the benefits of exosome treatment?


  • Deep hydration.
  • Improve texture.
  • Elimination of imperfections.
  • Attenuation of expression lines and unify the tone.
  • Treatment for rosacea and acne scars.

What are the conditions for the procedure?


  • Not suffering from uncontrolled chronic degenerative diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, thyroid problems, autoimmune diseases, heart disease or coagulation disorders.
  • Not being pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Not be taking anticoagulant, antiplatelet or antiarrhythmic drugs.
  • Not having consumed steroids, anabolics, alcohol in excess, cigarettes or drugs at least 1 week prior to the procedure.
  • Not having any important upcoming social events.
  • No active acne.

From: $161 USD

- Exosomes, being enriched with more than 50 components, have much more potency than other actives, making them one of the preferred treatments to give vitality to the skin.
- It can be done monthly. However, it is suggested to perform it once a month for 3 months and then up to 1 year after that.
- Not at all, since topical anesthesia is applied.
- It depends on the particular condition. If your skin is healthy and you only want to refresh it, it can be only 1 session. If on the other hand we want to treat a disease such as rosacea or the aftermath of acne will depend on the severity of the problem and the management at home with topical products.
- No sun exposure for 2 days. - No make-up for 2 days. - No face treatment for 2 weeks. - Don’t wash your face until 24 hours after the procedure. - Don’t ingest toxic substances such as tobacco, alcohol or drugs for 2 days. - Avoid touching your face. - No physical activity for 24 hours.
- The result begins 5 days after application and will be progressive up to 1 month later.
A little, the face will be reddened but it will usually take 24 hours at the most.
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